To obtain majority opinions through voting on some unresolved issue in a region, territory, family or what to do in case of...

To resolve or obtain an opinion by voting from the majority concerned, real and content questions could be asked with the purpose of opening general understanding, such as: Women in the family, region or territory cannot be educated for x reason...

A vote could be done with two options, First: The education of women through our thoughts, faith, desire or other to preserve our society, the region, the family, I am in accordance with Yes to the education of women... Second option: the education of women by our thought, faith, desire or other to preserve our society, the region, the family I am in accordance with No to the education of women.

Based on the result of the first vote, a second vote would be held with 2, 3 or more options. The heading of the vote could be: According to the results of the first vote regarding educating women in the territory, region, family, let us proceed to give our opinion on how to implement the winning option.
Option 1: Implement laws in the local constitution, rules in the family, external treaties with penalties or punishment for non-compliance
Option 2: Hand-to-hand fight, whoever wins would choose their ideal
Option 3: Intellectual debate between the speakers of the territory, whoever obtains the majority of votes would be chosen
Option 4: Let others and externals decide